Kamis, 02 Desember 2010


Imagine you have three of hope, hope that sounds wonderful when a reality .........

I wish I could have a beautiful body
I wish I could have great confidence
I wish I could have an endless vitality

Or is all hope had been menjadipemikiran your recurring every day, the fact that continually haunt you?

Now it's time to stop dreaming in broad daylight, because there is a method which is flexible, safe and simple method where it can alter the above expectations and make you into a new and sensational!

Is it just a hoax? There are no tricks here, all you need to change your expectations into real actions! Participate with all your heart in the Herbalife program for eight weeks, the program is easy and fun. Perform the activities with gusto - just like people who believe, motivated, positive minded and happy to want to create "your new self."

The first step you have to do is select the appropriate tools with you to achieve success - absorbing the information below, re-programming your life and start enjoying the wonderful moments in which your dreams come true!

Gain opportunities
The first day of your program is special, so mark this occasion with you perpetuate the conditions of today and store them carefully - in two months you can see for themselves the remarkable changes have happened to you!

Make your goals you want to achieve
How slim / dress size - how many numbers you can use in the next eight weeks? very important for you to determine targets to be achieved. Every time you reach a target, excited to reach the next target!

Planning for success
Before you start the program, plan a tribute to a time when you've reached the final destination. Gifts can include new clothes a size smaller, or a luxury holiday in the sun. Whatever you choose will help you so you stay motivated and make what you have accomplished more meaningful! Do not forget to set a date to immortalize yourself in a special "photo after" you've done this program so that "your new self" can be viewed by everyone.

Take advantage of the power of positive thoughts
Create a clear picture will "yourself a new" in your own mind, especially when you receive the award and congratulations from family and friends are surprised at the changes you make. Use the power of the mind that you have this form to keep you motivated.

There must be no "if", "but" and "can not" in your dialogue with yourself, you are obliged to make the program a success, it is up to you to determine the decisions and choices - stay focused on positive thoughts.

Replace your old habits
It takes three to six weeks to follow a new habit or eliminate old habits. That's why Herbalife program implemented the program at least eight weeks. Over a period of eight weeks as an initial step, your body will slowly adjust to follow the changes in eating habits and way of life.

Add a train activity strengthens muscles in your weight loss program!
Equally important to the success of the program that you are living is the amount of energy you spend in addition to the normal activities that you do every day. So if you want to speed up the process of success, take some time for 20-30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day. Brisk walking, cycling or swimming, all these are forms of aerobic exercise is good.

You should think that your muscles are "furnace" and the muscles must be used regularly to burn excess energy (fat stored). Make yourself becoming more active, more motivated and more powerful.

Rest your body, make your mind relaxed
Instead, make yourself to relax and rest after a full day to do a lot of activities that consume energy in order to obtain a healthy way of life by helping mempertankan balance. You need to work and play, exercise and rest.

Therefore, our way of life that make ourselves busy, sleep is sometimes considered to interfere with our activities, but your body and mind need 6-8 hours sleep a deep sleep to repair the body, protect it and even renew damaged cells.

Healthy Fats in a Diet Program for Weight Loss

All the confusion about whether or not to include fat in a diet program for weight loss can make your head spin. Some health reports will lead you to believe that eating any kind of fat while dieting will sentence you to a life of thunder thighs and heart trouble. This is definitely not the case.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can actually benefit your health. And although saturated fat is demonized in the health industry, it can also have a positive impact on your wellbeing. Your cell walls are made up of fat, and more than half of your brain is too. Your body needs fat to survive!

Polyunsaturated and Monounsaturated Fats in Your Diet

Polyunsaturated fat and monounsaturated fat in your diet helps reduce bad LDL cholesterol levels and increase the good HDL levels. These types of fats can also lower blood pressure and reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

One of the most important types of polyunsaturated fat to have in your diet is omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 can boost your brain function and improve the health of your heart. This healthy fat can also relieve symptoms of depression and bipolar, and reduce the risk of stroke, colon cancer, and prostate cancer.

People who suffer from painful conditions like arthritis may benefit from the inflammation-reducing effects of omega-3. If your ultimate goal is to lose weight, omega-3 can help suppress your appetite and rev up your metabolism. Since your body can't make this type of fat, the only way you can get it is through food or supplements.

Monounsaturated fats are abundant in olive oil, canola oil, hazelnuts, avocados, pecans and sesame seeds. Polyunsaturated fats are found in flaxseed oils, walnuts, fish, and sunflower.

Saturated Fats in Your Meal Plan

Although you hear a lot about saturated fats being the culprit of cardiovascular disease and other degenerative illnesses, this is not the case. Over the years, the use of saturated fat has declined, yet the instances of heart disease keeps going up.

Obviously, the problem is not the saturated fat itself, but the processed foods such as margarine, whole milk, cheese and substitute butter that this fat is used in. Eating saturated fats from healthy sources like coconut oil, whole organic eggs, avocados, and real, unprocessed butter can benefit your health.

Research suggests that saturated fatty acids help lower the risk of strokes, not cause them. Coconut oil has added perks. This saturated fat can actually boost your weight loss efforts because it's lower in calories than other fats, and it can help increase the metabolism.

Trans Fatty Acids in Your Diet

Trans fat, also known as "partially hydrogenated vegetable oil" is the worst type of fat you can put into your body. Hydrogenated oil increase inflammation, raises bad cholesterol and lowers good cholesterol. Trans fatty acids also increases the risk of diabetes, stroke and heart disease.

Trans fat is made by a process called hydrogenation. During hydrogenation, liquid vegetable oil is mixed with hydrogen gas to make a solid. This type of fat is commonly found in fried foods, margarines, and store-bought cookies, cakes and doughnuts.

Manufacturers use trans fat because it is cheaper than other types of fats, and it lengthens the shelf life of foods. Trans fat can be heated repeatedly without breaking down, so restaurants commonly use it to fry foods.

While it is true that some types of fats can put you at risk for a number of diseases and conditions, eating polyunsaturated fats, monounsaturated fats and saturated fats from quality food sources can have a positive impact on your long-term health. by Isabel De Los Rios